Tuition, Refund, and Cancellation Policy
We request information from the user on our order form. Here a user must provide contact information (like name and shipping address) and financial information (like credit card number, expiration date). This information is used for billing purposes and to fill customer’s orders. If we have trouble processing an order, this contact information is used to get in touch with the user.
No refunds are given after the first session of any course. For any course that is greater than 10 hours, the first session is defined as the first four (4) hours of the course . For any course that is ten (10) hours or less, the first session is defined as the first two (2) hours of the course. Compass does not charge a cancellation fee.
We will share aggregated demographic information with our partners and advertisers. This is not linked to any personal information that can identify any individual person. We use an outside shipping company to ship orders, and a credit card processing company to bill users for goods and services. These companies do not retain, share, store or use personally identifiable information for any secondary purposes. We partner with another party to provide specific services. When the user signs up for these services, we will share names, or other contact information that is necessary for the third party to provide these services. These parties are not allowed to use personally identifiable information except for the purpose of providing these services. Information and materials found in courses is not and should not be used as legal advice. Compass Real Estate Academy is not responsible for liability nor damages occurred as results of the information found or learned in the learning material and courses on our website.