Multiple licenses. Brokers are required to hold a separate individual license for each entity or business they serve. A broker who serves multiple entities needs multiple licenses. The broker must show that the multiple licenses are necessary to conduct the brokerage business and that the licenses will not be harmful or prejudicial to anyone. Each license must be renewed separately.
The Commission may deny a multiple license for the same reasons it can deny individual licenses. Any discipline against the broker’s primary license will apply equally to his or her multiple licenses. Multiple licenses are not transferable to new relationships unless the broker ends all current relationships at the same time and then moves only one license to a new relationship.
Sales associates and broker associates are not eligible for multiple licenses because they are only allowed to work for one broker or brokerage at a time.
Group licenses. Property owner/developers are exempt from licensure. Consequently, they employ licensed sales associates or broker associates to sell their properties. Sometimes, an owner/developer owns properties through multiple business entities with different names. When those entities are connected (for example, subsidiaries) so that they are owned or controlled by one individual or group of individuals, any licensee employed by the owner/developer may obtain a group license to be eligible to sell for all of the entities.
Remember that a sales associate or broker associate may only be employed by one broker or owner/developer at a time. The group license allows the licensee to be employed by the one owner/developer but still sell properties for multiple entities as long as they are all owned or controlled by the employing owner/developer.