Issue and expiration. Licenses are issued for 2-year licensure periods, at the end of which the license needs to be renewed to prevent it from expiring. All licenses expire on and must be renewed by either March 31 or September 30, depending on when they are issued. Consequently, the initial licensure period most likely will be less than 2 years. License law requires that this initial period be at least 18 months but not more than 24 months. So, the expiration date of an initial license will be the March or September date which falls between 18 and 24 months after the issue date.
Postlicense education. The licensee must complete the required post-license course prior to renewing his or her initial license. After the initial license period, the licensee must complete continuing education each license period prior to renewing the license.
License renewal and status. The DBPR sends a license renewal notice to the licensee at least 90 days before the license expiration date. The notice is sent to both active and inactive licensees at the last known address or e-mail address.
The licensee then must submit a completed renewal application, renewal fee, and proof of completing either the post-license or the continuing education courses. The licensee is to indicate whether he or she wants to renew in active or inactive status. Once the licensee has met all renewal requirements, the DBPR will issue a renewed license with the appropriate expiration date.
If the licensee does not renew by the expiration date, the license automatically becomes involuntarily inactive and may only be renewed when applicable requirements are met. The license is deemed delinquent for the following license period. The licensee is not allowed to practice real estate while on inactive status. If the licensee was on active status at the license expiration date, he or she may renew the license within 24 months by meeting renewal requirements and paying a late fee. If the licensee fails to renew within that time period, the license is rendered void.
Members of armed forces. Active duty members of the U.S. armed forces who are in good standing with the FREC are exempt from license renewal requirements. This exemption is extended to 2 years after the member is discharged from active duty. However, if the member is engaged in real estate for profit in the private sector within Florida while on active duty and for 2 years after discharge from active duty, he or she must meet all renewal requirements but is exempt from paying the renewal fee.
The military member’s spouse or the surviving spouse of a member who died while on active duty is also exempt from license renewal requirements if the member’s active duty is outside of Florida. The spouse must be in good standing with the FREC and not be practicing in the private sector for profit. This exemption is in effect while the member is on active duty and for 6 months after the member’s discharge.